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The questions:
- Your nickname: farra ..
- Do you wish you had another name? If yes, what is it?: No , i like my name..
- Your girl best friend: yuni ..
- Your guy best friend:shafiq ..
- Your favourite food: Nasi ayam n chicken chop n my mom cooks ..
- Your favourite drink:Fresh oren n teh o ais..
- The one thing you always bring everywhere you go: My phone N my wallet ..
- Your current favourite song: face by nu'est ..
- Your favourite singer: Justin bieber ..
- Your birthday: __ January 97 ..
- The last person you texted or texted you: My bf ..
- What does the text say? Saye syg awak ..
- Someone you wish to see right now: My bf ..
- Someone you want to apologize to: Everyone..
- Someone you miss: My granny,kazen n my bf ..
- What time did you wake up this morning?: 7 am..
- How great your life is in 2012 so far?: just great ..
- Do you have a pet? If yes what is it and what is the weirdest thing it has ever done?: ada , ikan saye .saye akan tanye jika dorang nak makan n dorang akan angguk ..
- Where would you have your honeymoon?: Bali n Hawaii ..
- Do you regret anything from your past? yes ..
- If you could have one superpower, what would it be? invisible ..
- What is your status? (Single/Taken/Married/Divorced?What?): Taken ..
- Are you in love? If yes, have you told the person how you feel?: yes ..
- The thing you hate the most: Cockroach ..
- The type of people you hate the most: lazer mouth and selfish ..
- The last gift a person gave you: A pink bear ..
- What is your favourite color?: Blue , purple ,white n black ..
- Would you take your ex back?: if there some reason ..
- Something you can't live without: my phone..
- Do you like this segment?: yes ..

1 comment:
hai...saya dari segment yang sama datang berkunjung ke blog anda
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